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Links and guides for the Mitchcomp Administrators. If you notice that anything is missing or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Guides for Common Tasks

HPRC New Users and Getting Started

Learning the System: Submitting Jobs, Transferring files, etc.

Mailing list for MitchComp Users make sure to be part of it (Dr. Toback is admin)

Mailing list for MitchComp Admins make sure to be part of it (Dr. Toback is admin)

Instructions can be found here to add new members to the MitchComp Mailing lists.

Instructions can be found here to get new/existing Remote Collaborators their new/renewed NetIDs and University Accounts.

A guide can be found here for setting up and configuring the Mitchcomp Ticket System.

HPRC Specific Guides

HPRC Modules System
Introduction and how to use HPRC Modules system

List of All HPRC Modules and Dependencies

HPRC Module List: GraceTerra
To find available modules on each cluster

HPRC Toolchains
A very important concept to make your modules work together

File Transferring to/from HPRC
How to transfer files safe and fast from and to HPRC clusters

HPRC Batch Processing: SLURM (Terra and Grace)
How to write batch jobs script on each cluster

Batch Job Translation Guide
It will be useful when you know how to write a batch job script
on one cluster and you want to do the same on another cluster

MitchComp Group Modules
How to access and use special modules that are available for Mitchcomp
group members

Creating EasyBuild Modules at TAMU HPRC
How to create a module at HPRC using EasyBuild

TAMU HPRC Module scdms-jupyter For Analysis
A special bundle module of modules needed for CDMS analysis
jobs. Instructions of how to load it, and how to create it!

Code development for running on HPRC –mostly Terra

Building ROOT with Python support on HPRC
How to build ROOT with Python3 bindings in site and using EasyBuild

Building SuperSim on TAMU HPRC
Building your own version of SuperSim (if you needed a different
version than the one available at MitchComp group)

Building and Using ReleaseBuilder on HPRC
Guide how to use or build ReleaseBuilder which is needed for building
scdms-jupyter, scdms-release, and cdms modules

Automated Checking Scripts
Documentation for scripts that check built releases and ensures modules load and packages are working for each release

Analysis at the TAMU HPRC Terra Cluster

Known problems with Jupyter at TAMU
Current known problems with Jupyter at TAMU using the scdms-jupyter

Access OnDemand Jupyter Session Manually
A guide on how to access OnDemand Jupyter session in cases that the
server configuration prevents the portal from providing access to jobs

MitchComp HPRC Usage
To monitor Mitchcomp users’ usage at HPRC

MitchComp Help Team Support
A general “admin” guide for HPRC accounting system

PI Specific Guides

PI Instructions
ONLY useful for PIs!

MitchComp GitHub

Using and Managing the MitchComp GitHub
Basic instructions for setting up your personal use of the team and
managing team membership and ownership